The Shaheed Udham Singh Industrial Training Institute (Private) Daula, Tehsil Gidderbaha, District Sri Mukatsar Sahib to reach Bathinda to 25Km on Malout road. This Institute Developed by Daula Education Welfare Society Daula. Sh. Kartar Singh is the Chairman of the society and Nine other Member of this Society. The Chairman of Institute is Sh. Kartar Singh and Principal of the Institute is Sh. bant Singh. This Institute have a big building and also has big Grounds. Every Trade have a seprate workshop and seprate Theory rooms.
We provide technical education that support students goals, a skilled workforce and the economic vitality of our communications. To undertake collaborative projects which offer opportunities for long-term interaction with academia and imaginatively gifted leaders can emerge in a range of professions.
Shaheed Udham Singh Industrial Training Institute (Private) Daula was established in the year 2010 by the Daula Education Welfare Society Daula Tehsil Gidderbaha, District Sri Mukatsar Sahib. First in the year 2010 three Trades i.e. Welder,Plumber, Wireman affiliated with National Counsil of Vocational Training New Dehli. In the year 2011 two more Trades i.e. Electrician and Computer Operator and programming Assistant (C.O.P.A.) also affiliated with National Counsil of Vocational Training New Dehli. Now the Institute runs five Trades i.e. Ten units successfilly.

To raise, own manage, administer or institution for importing Computer, Technical and Mechanical Education for the coming up youth.
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