Govt.I.T.I(W)Jagraon(Nanaksar) established in 1993 has its own building.It has 4.2 Acar land area.It is located at Ferozpur Road,Near Spring Dev Public School,Jagraon.
The Institute has excellent Training Infrastructure including well equipment workshop with latest technology.Institute has labs and theory room,store and hall.It has own play ground for different games.
Institute has efficient and suitable manpower with collaboration of Institute management committee(IMC)
To import high quality training in order to upgrade skills,coupled with personality development and positive attitude with a focus on world class competitive to meet the changes and challenges of the contemporary needs to the industries.
Efficient and suitable Manpower with collaboration of local Institution Management Committee(I.M.C)has been formed to interact with institution know requirement.
This institute established in 1993.It has own building and land area. It is women institute.

To give the practical training according to syllabus.
To give the Theoretical training according to syllabus.
To give self employment knowledge to the trainees.
After training place stu