The Technical Education in the country is improving and modenasizing day by day. All kind of industries specially IT Industry are putting heavy demand of Trained Manpower, so these needs skilled technical manpower taking a view of all above , the balaji educational trust established GGS ITC Nathana under PPP with DTE &IT.
1) By laying emphasis on value based quality education.
2) Endeavoring to produce leaders in field of management & Technology.
The balaji educational trust was established under Act XXI of 1860 of Regd., to cater the need of Technical Education in Bathinda Region. The balaji educational trust has leased a good chunk of 10 acres of land at Nathana from Punjab Govt. for 33 Years for establishing an ITI Under PPP in 2005.

1) To enable the students to achieve personal growth and professional excellence.
2) To inculcate discipline, punctuality, tolerance and maturity among students.