In Today s Era Industrialization is developing Statewide and Nationwide. Multinational Companies are emerging with new opportunities. The skilled candidates could surely get the job through proper training within the country or even overseas.
With an objective of ensuring a steady flow of skilled personnel and to reduce unemployment among st the educated youth by equipping them with required skills, education and discipline for suitable industrial employment as well as self-employment, the foundation stone of Gangsar Sahidi Mata Parmeshwari Seth Ram Nath Govt. Industrial Training Institute was land in the year 1994.
The institute is located on Tibbi Sahib Road near Gurudwara Shri Tibbi Sahib Jaitu (Distt. Faridkot -Punjab). tion stone of the institution was land in 1994. The campus is spread in the splashing area of 15 Kanal - 8 Marla area which includes Administrative block, Workshops, canteen, Playgrounds. This building is on lease for 99 years.
No Image This institute strive hard to achieve excellence in technical education & industrial training to maintain our number one position in the state .We believe in four cardinal points of achievement
1.To equip the students with latest emerging technologies, skills and knowledge up to the level of globally competitive standards.
2. To maintain a continuous interface with industry and to bring changes in time according to the needs of industry.
3. To enhance the ability to anticipate and shape further the skills of budding engineers though individual and group activities to include and encourage a life long thirst for learning in students.
4. To encourage the conceptual, inter personnel and team work skills for technical decision making among the students.
Gangsar Jaitu takes its name from a folk story in which Guru Gobind Singh Ji visited the town and was siting on a sand dune when he saw a saint crying. The guru asked him why he was crying and the saint replied that he was crying because he lost his bowl in the Ganges river. After hearing his misfortune, the Guru fired off an arrow which struck the ground and opened a water source. Later Gurdwaras were constructed on both the sites, on the sand dune where the Guru was sitting and where lake was opened.

No Image To trained the youth into the skilled workers and to help for their employment & self-employment to open his venture.