Shaheed Bhagat Singh Industrial Training Institute is a leading institute in field of technical education and Industrial training, where along with theoretical education main emphasis is given on the practical. We have state of the art labs and workshops where students get high quality of training
As India continues making giant strides in varied fields in the global arena, be it in Medicine, Science & Technology, Management, Yogic Sciences, the need for not just quality education, but also very high standards of professional education is getting increasingly critical. The opening up of the Indian economy has ushered in plethora of MNCs and big-time professionally managed organizations creating immense opportunities and lucrative career options for the present, as well as, the future generation.
SBSITI is totally committed and is fully geared up to brave all obstacles and challenges and continue creating more and more high quality institutions that not only provide the best infrastructure and ambience, but also a very strong and well-chosen faculty. The obsession is to impart the best education and training to enable students to be exceptionally competent to match global standards, as well as, to inculcate in them honesty, sincerity, perseverance and allied virtues.
For the simple reason that, business houses and professionally managed organizations today are seeking not just great competence but also the right attitude that goes a long way not just for organizational growth but also for the growth of an individual
The institute was established in 2004 by Shaheed Bhagat Singh Society Pakka Faridkot, with an objective to uplift the education standards of the area and to give the people of Faridkot different skills so that they can make themselves employable.

to provide vocational training to school leavers, existing workers, ITI graduates, etc. to improve their employability by optimally utilizing the infrastructure available in Govt., private institution