Govt Industrial Training Institute Gujjarwal is training institute which provide training in technical field such as Electronics mechanic,electrician,tractor mechanic,plumber,welder.For Girl students this ITI provides special courses such as COPA and fashion technology.
For each ITI to be taken up under the Scheme, an Industry Partner is associated to lead the process of Up gradation. An institute Management Committee (IMC), headed by the Industry Partner, is constituted and registered as a Society. A memorandum of Agreement is signed among the Central Government, the State Government, the state government and the Industry Partner defining the roles and responsibilities of all the parties, An interest free loan up to Rs. 2.5 cr. Is given by the Central Government directly to the IMC on the basis of Institute Development Plan (IDP) prepared by it.
Government Industrial Training Institute (I.T.I) Gujjarwal was established in the year 1994 under the control of Directorate Technical Education and Industrial Training Punjab. The campus is situated at the out side area of village and covering an area of avobe 6 acres Institute s eventual history of 30 disciplines It is one of the pioneers institute in the state of punjab offering technical skills.y of Institute here...

The objective of the Scheme is to improve the quality of vocational training in the country and make it demand driven so as to ensure better employability of the ITI Trainees.