Craftsman Training Scheme was introduced by Govt. of India in 1950 to ensure a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for Industry, to raise quantitatively and qualitatively the industrial production by systematic training to reduce unemployment among the educated youth by providing them employable training, to cultivate and nurture a technical and industrial attitude in the minds of the younger generation. The Scheme, the most important in the field of Vocational Training, has been shaping craftsmen to meet the existing as well as future manpower needs, through the vast network of it is in the various States.
The institute, under the aegis of Directorate General Employment And Training New Delhi, is fully committed to provided qualitative product. To keep in pace the changing scenario of the Technologies, from time to time new schemes are launched and new Trades are introduced. New Trades takes the place of obsolete ones. Curricula is revamped keeping in view the needs of the Industry.
In Year 2000, IMC was constituted in the ITI. It strengthened the quality of the product and active participation of the local industry in the working of ITI. Presently Institute is working in close liaison with the Industry. Mohali Industries Association and CII (Northern Zone) is also taking interest in the various activities of the Institute. The present strength of the Institute is 300. This will increase with the introduction of new courses under the various new schemes.
ITI (W) Mohali always has set a trend in Excellence. In Year 1998, DGET short listed ITI (W) Mohali as one of the ten cities in the country to impart Hi-Tech Training. This Training was started as a Joint Venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Punjab with collaboration of GTZ Germany. The on roll students of Engineering colleges, Polytechnic and ITIs also get training under this Scheme. Under this training, training is given to the skilled manpower to upgrade their skills. To bridge the gap between Training and Industrial requirement tailor made courses are also there.
ITI (W) was started in Year 1979 under the aegis of Directorate of Technical Education and Industrial Training with the conventional courses of Cutting and Sewing, Embroidery and Needle Work, Radio and TV, Electronic Mech, Draughtsman Civil, Punjabi Stenography. Slowly with the passage of time Department replaced the obsolete courses with emerging technology courses i.e. Radio and TV was converted into (Information Technology and ESM). New Trades like Computer Operator and Programming Assistant, Computer Hardware, Secretarial Practice were introduced.

Our objective is to provide quality technical training to women to enable them to be self reliant.

Our motto is to serve