GUNNSAGAR EDUCATIONAL WELFARE society was registered in Feb 2016 . It was approved 2016 By N.C.V.T .We have climbed the ladder of success in the span of very short period of have earn a reputation in the students community there and the people of LUDHIANA. We are recognized by N.C.V.T , Ministry of labor , Directorate General of Employment and Training Govt. of INDIA . We are dedicated to provide a quality service that exceeds the expectation of our students , no expectations .We teach a range of classes that starts with the basic computer. GUNN SAGAR PVT. ITI VILLAGE JHNADE NEAR GURUDWARA BABA RAMPAL FEROZEPUR RAOD DISTRICT LUDHIANA 142021
promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.
1.To achieve excellence in education expand, diversify and maintain institutions for cultural, social and economic advancement . 2.To create an atmosphere for the students to grow and develop integrally without losing contact with the village life. 3.To provide them the true place for intellectual moral and spiritual development to they could face and strive with uncertainties and complex situations that they may face in life.

Provide Good Technical Education and more practical work bullets Provide Good Infrastructure