Baba Nand Singh Bhangu ITC offers high quality nationally recoganise courses.BNSB ITC is private institute and provides vocational training courses according to new techniques.BNSB institute provides you with practical skills and industrial training that gives you skills employers need.Our staff is well qualified and good experienced, each student trained by proper demonstration beside we provide safety instructions such as induction programme for each trainee.You will receive good quality training and support at affordable cost. This Institute offer courses that have flexible entry requirements and provides opportunities in various MNCs.
To Develop competencies of students with good value system to face challenges of the continously changing world.
Baba Nand Singh Bhangu ITC established in 2005 by Punjab Government and Central Government, from the begnning of till today providing quality education system in institute. At the turn of the century india was experencing an explosion in industry and buiness. It was decided that the country technical institutions, it was identified that skills were needed in the area of engineering/mechanics and other related industry and business. Baba Nand Singh Bhangu continues to play considerable role in shaping the state. cultural and educational profile and in building future based on the philosphy of education. Our students working in MNCs companies with good quality and skills like Maruti Suzuki, Hero-Honda, M&M etc. BNSB ITC had given education to poor people and will provide in future also with the help of BNSB CHARITABLE SOCIETY, moreover we provide extra computer classes free of cost.

To give the practical training according to syllabus.
To give the Theoretical training according to syllabus.
To give self employment knowledge to the trainees.