Shri guru ram das Pvt. ITI has establish at Village Bara Teshsil & District Gurdaspur , Punjab in june 2011. This Village is located at 5KM from dinanagar City . It is Situated in the near dinanagar city. It has 3 No. Trades affiliated to NCVT approved by Govt. of India & Punjab Govt. It is located on the road side and well connected to dinanagar & sorrounding villages by regular bus services. Training is Important per NCVT Syllabus and All India Trade Test is conducted under the aiges of NCVT.
ITI has been established in the year 2011 by Shri guru ram das Memorial Educational Society .It has excellent results in the AITT conducted by the NCVT for the last two sessions .
ITI is providing training under Craftsmen Training Scheme of Govt. of India in order to meet up the growing demand of skilled workers and provide them gainful employment .

1 To train as skilled worker 2 To well discpline. 3 To ensure physical fitness 4 Exposure to Industry.