Enter Introduction here...
This institute is runnig from last ten year under Universal Educational Society Jalalabad(w).This Industrial Training Centre is Located near B S F Sector F.F Road Jalalabad (w) Distt. Fazilka Punjab (Approx , 0.5 Kmt From Jalalabad main Bus Stand ) Peaceful And pollution free surrounding .
Enter Mission Statement here ...
Create awareness and easy Access to training schemes and related services to the trainees/citizens .
To improve quality of Industrial Training by investing in infrastructure and faculty,promoting academic reforms and improving governance of the institutes.
Enter History of Institute here...
This Society was established in the year of 1993-94 to improve education in this backward and border area . There was a single industrial institute at that time,So this society thought a view to start a ART& CRAFT institute ,So in 2004 this institute was started.

The management has an ambitious plan to establish its institute to develop technical skill in your people to provide job oriented vocational training and there by equip them for self employment .