Industrial Training Institutes are imparting basic skills to the youth of the state in various vocational trades to meet the skilled manpower requirements of the respective industry.
Training is imparted in various engineering and nonengineering trades under the guidelines of DGET, Ministry of Labor & employment, Govt. of India.
The duration of training for various trades varies from six months to three years and the entry qualification varies from 8th to 12th class pass, depending on the requirements of training in different trades.
The admission to new courses are made in the month of July/ August and Jan/ Feb every year.
The training is imparted as per the curriculum prescribed by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) Govt. Of India.
The trainees after completion of the training period are required to appear in the All India Trade Test conducted under the aegis of National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) for NCVT Trades and for State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT) Trades, test is conducted by SCVT.
The successful trainees are awarded National Trade Certificate/ SCVT Certificate which has been recognized by Govt. of India/ State Govt. respectively.
Apart from the conventional training, the short term courses in MES/ SDI scheme which range from 40Hrs to 960 Hrs are also running in the different ITIs of the state for school dropouts etc.
Syllabi of various trades are periodically revised to keep pace with changing technology in industry by G.O.I. Seats are reserved for SCST candidates and for other categories as per the reservation policy of the State Govt.
MISSIONEducation is touch ston of civilization and culture of country. It is an important part and basis of human life. Infact human life is being with education. India is primarily a land of villages. Literacy is greatest curse in rural area of India and Punjab in particulars. Majority of Indian villages are illiterate. Periority shuould therefore be given to rural Education. So to fulfill this idea with the perserverance assiduity, determination members and sincere efforts of staff this institute was established and now reach the pinnacle of success. It shall very soon carve cut for itself a conspicuous and prominent place among the prestigious Industrial Institute of Punjab. I wish all parents and students a great success in life.
he Management Committee i.e. Sr. Harpreet Singh Sandhu (Chairman), Sh. Amandeep Jindal (President), Smt. Harcharanjit Kaur Sandhu (Gen. Secretary) plays a magnificent role in providing well equipped labs , best infrastructure to impart ample knowledge to students. All the instructor under the supervision of principal tried their best to provide proper training to the students so that our learners, trainers will acquire proficient skills to sure the society and earn their livelihood. Special motive of the G.S.S.I.T.C is to convert tender plant into a tree or to impart a technical education in addition to theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge also given to the student. So that they may become a learned and skilled person.
Industrial Training Institutes are imparting basic skills to the youth of the state in various vocational trades to meet the skilled manpower requirements of the respective industry.
The admission to