Govt Industrial Training Institute is situated AT Batala.It is 2.5 away from Batala bus was established in 1964.its total area is 19 is surrounding by lots of villages where lot of children after passing matriculation examination get technical education in different trades of engineering.there are different schemes of technical education running in this institute like CTS,C ,welfare scheme and SDI, PMKVY,.Placement camps are conducted in the Institute time to time. As a result of this, our skilled worker get placed in different well known Companies of the Country.Besides this the Institute also provide Apprenticeship training in different departments of Punjab like Punjab Roadways ,Sugar Mills and Power Corporation etc. For NCC training, there is 22 Punjab BN Unit is established in which trainees get their a result of which they learn how to live in discipline. Institute also conduct games of extra curriculum activities for the physical fitness. eduction here...
To create leaders, winners and achievers in a global corporate world, it doesnot only end here but it also wishes to open new vistas of opportunities for its students by understanding their needs and providing them meaningful education.We are committed to continue our improvement in the quality of education through changes in the delivery systems and by designing and maintaining an environment which will contribute towards better employability of our students. We intend to achieve the above mentioned objectives by continuous improvements in the quality of our inputs as well as the transformation process. To Uplift the Society. 2. To provide employment oriented courses. 3. To make the Trainees self confident. 4. To provide such Practical Training to make trainees gainfully employable in the open market.
BATALA ITI was established in 1964. Institute is a training institute which provide training in technical field and constituted under Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET), Ministry of Labour & Employment, Union Government of India.area.
Objective is to provide Technical Skills to the trainees and to provide a conducive environment for the development of inherent potential in our students so as to produce