Intoduction. This Institute is Located on Amritsar to Attari G T Road in Village Ranike on distance of approximate 2km before Wahhga Indopak border Check Post.Keeping in veiw of Bordar Area and Rular Area the institute has been providing Technical Training in the following Trades to the Trainees.
Electronics Mech., Electrician, Farm mechanic ,walder(Gas and Electric ), Mechanist,Cutting &Tailoring .
Create need based human resource skill pool in the state.
1 Make every willing and able person in the State employable or employed.
2 Keep close Linkage with Industrial Organizations for continual improvement in skill
development & placement activities.
3 Create awareness & easy Access to training schemes & related services to the
4 Achieve the State & National targets for skilling, up skilling & re skilling of the persons in
the state.
5 Provide placement through gainful employment/wages to the skilled manpower of the state.
6 To improve quality of Industrial Training by investing in infrastructure and faculty,
promoting academic reforms and improving governance of the institutes.
Amar Saheed Jathedaar Dalbir singh Ranike memorial ITI was build on the 10 Acres Land donated by the Gram panchayat Ranike .The foundation stone of this Institute was Laid down by Honourable Governor of Punjab Sh. Siddhartha Shankar Ray on 13 June 1989. Finally it was operationalised in 18-6-1991 to provide industrial training to to youth of border area to help them to earn their livelihood and become self employed..This institute has been helping the youth of rural and border area to carve a niche in the present world. In March 2008 this institute had been covered under upgradation of 1396 ITIs under Public Private Partnership Scheme by Govt. of India.
To serve the needs of the rural and border area youths by providing training and people by providing training to get employment and self employment, to impart the true workmanship,dedication.
The Aim of Skill Development in the State is to support and help in achieving rapid and inclusive growth through
Enhancing individuals Employability and Ability to Adap