Govt.ITI(W)MORINDA has its own land but running in Govt.Senior Secondary School Building established
in 1955. It has total 4215 sqm land area. It is located on BYEPASS SIRHIND ROAD MORINDA .It has Theory rooms as well as practical lab like Sewing Technology,Embroidery,COPA and Basic Cosmetology. Institute has grounds for games.For above trades one Principal,4 faculty members. 2 ministerial staff members and 3 class 4th employees are sanctioned.The sanctioned strength of students is 124 and there are 109 students on roll.Due to lack of regular staff in the institute guest faculty is hired for COPA and Basic Cosmetology courses as well as for ministrial staff.We at Govt.Industrial Training Institute (w) ,Morinda are committed to render quality services by continual upgrading our skills and resources through continal implementation of fthe quality managenentsystem.
There are Four trades of Seven units.
Sewing Technology 2 Units
S.O.T Embroidery 2 Units
COPA 2 Units
Basic Cosmetology 1 Units
Mission Statement (In not more than 3000 characters)
This institute strives hard to achieve excellence in technical education & industrial training to maintain our number one position in the state.We believe in four cardinal points of achieveme
1. To equip the students with latest emerging technologies,skills and knowledge up to the level of globally competitive standards.
2. To maintain a continuous interface with industry and bring changes in time according to the needs of industry.
3 To enhance the ability to anticipate and shape further the skills of buddding engineers though individual and group activities to include and encourage a lifelong thirst for learning in students.
4. To encourage conceptual,inter personal and teamwork skills for technical decision making among the students.
He rapid Industrialization of the country needs more skilled man-power and the requirement of the such man-power has been increased manifolds in order to meet with this increased demand of the industry and to provide extensive employment to the youth by training them in various engineering & non-engineering TRADES. In the highly competitive age of today, the vast application of engineering and technology across all sector of society has become highly indispensable which hold premises for us to move fast, ahead in 21st century.Industrial Training Institute,Morinda is situated on the Sirhind road.This institute is functioning since 1955 .The institute has rent free biulding,portion of the building of the Industry Department.Morinda is a city and a Municipal council in Morinda District in the Indian State of Punjab.The town currently forms a Tehsil of CHAMKUAUR SAHIB and District ROPAR.The campus area of the institute is 1 kilaa-5 viswa.All other advantages of playgounds and lawns. Training is imparted in 3 non-engineering trade at this institute.The institute has sanctioned capacity of 124 seats.Normally the period of training of non-engineering trades is one year and whereas in engineering trades is from one year to two years.
Our all staff members are continuously striving to discharge their duties for overall improvement of quality of vocational training being imparted to our students.Giving exposure of modern tech.
To make students skilled and succeed in their life.