Y.R.S Private Industrial Training Institute Introduce Craftmen Training Scheme to raise quantitatively and qualitatively.The Industrial Production by Systematic training.Y.R.S Industrial Institute Provide Exceptional breadth of acedemic duties which have relevance to the needs of industry and public sector.Traditional methods of learning are being seprated by digital technology.
Y.R.S Industrial training institute is premiere institute in the field of technical education among other options students always have fasination in tramandious campus like india area.Here students not only roll numbers but the future of nation.This can be one of the most rewarding and exhilarting experience in a personal life.there is too much to be gained as their are different students have different culture.Experiencing new challenges and opening our mind to a whole new world.The mission of institute is to trained high quality engineers to solve public problems.
Y.R.S Private Industrial Training Institute was Established in 2010 running by Baba Bhola Nath Educational to Students with aim to Provide Technical Education to Students with seating capacity of 326 Students in Different trades.Total numbers of units undergoing 16 unit.
Our goal at the faculty of engineering.
To trained high quality engineers.
Become One of the highest Industrial Training Institute
Our goal is to provide placement to students.